i have been following Hveragerthis protocol using kefir for a probiotic and eating oat bran to feed the probiotic.
His thought is that no antifungal is required, that this protocol should take over the candida.
I usually have my patients avoid oats due to allergic responses. Taking probiotics too early in a program can be a little tricky based on how the immune system responds. There are two primary immune responses, a Th1 and a Th2. Th1 is a cellular immune response and tends to be the early response by the body to handle infections. Th2 is the humoral response whereby the body produces antibodies to fight the infection. Another way to look at it is that Th1 is the initial agressive response, and Th2 is the follow-up educated response. A Th1 response is generally desirable as it is more effective against candida in its yeast form. A Th2 response can facilitate the spread of candida. Fungal candida can manipulate these responses to its advantage. The problem with taking probiotics too early in a program is that it can drive either side of the immune response. If it drives the Th1 side, it can help fight the yeast form fo candida but generally not the problematic fungal form. If it drives the Th2 side, it actually can help the spread of fungal candida. I haven't seen this type of protocol work in my practice.
Well i have been doing it for about a month now, and when i started i felt bad with dieoff.
Immune system cells produce protein-based substances called cytokines. Many of these increase inflammation as part of the body's immune response. This can create the same symptoms as what people commonly refer to as die-off. If the oats and probiotics increase these inflammatory substances, you may have the symptoms of die-off, but no or very little die-off.
But i still feel the same.
it has semed that the candida in me is systematic, because i can feel it in my itchy ears and tinnitus. And my eyes with blurry and distored vision. Also the brain fog and dizziness is still there.
Does anyone think in should stop the probiotics and try to kill the systematic candida with antifungals again?
On the McCombs Plan, probiotics aren't introduced until Week 7, when most of the fungal candida has been reverted back to its normal and now weakened yeast state.
Sort of try to rotate monthly between antifungals, then the next month kefir, and so on.
Rotating between antifungals doesn't make sense. If fungal candida develops resistance, it does so very quickly and permanently. You won't fool it a 2nd time around. I think that the concept of needing to rotate antifungals comes from people using products that didn't work very well to begin with or for long enough. Whenthey realized that the product that they were using wasn't being effective, they rationalized that the fungus had adapted. Fungal candida will adapt to anything that tries to kill it, so it's best to just revert it back to its yeast form and get rid of the weakened yeast form.
Or do you think i can do the probiotics and antfungals at the same time? im worried about trying them at the same time, because dont antifungals kill the good biotics?
I would follow the McCombs Plan protocol on how to time supplements. Antifungals kill fungus, not bacteria.
so if i do them at the same time, wont i be wasting my time?
any thoughts from anyone? Im thinking of trying garlic pills, since i have tried everything else.