I just now found the print- out of when my spleen was at it's worst with the bacterias (animal pathogens). The homeopathics were from a company that normally can only be gotten through a practitioner.
Although I didn't find the exact two that helped with the livestock bacterias, I found their products online, with their Bacterial homeopathic.
I thing that helped me the most..was having the ND do the muscle testing, and the Biomeridian computer testing, to know what type of stuff we were dealing with. Even growing up around livestock, I never would have considered the other pathogens (besides parasites) that I could have picked up too.
However..if a person has ever in their lifetime, had bacterias, say from food borne illnesses, they can continue to be a problem for years. Giardia is one that goes into "cyst form", and may lay dormant before becoming active again. That's the problem with many of the lyme coinfections too, they go into cyst form- only to become active again later. Many parasites also do the same thing. That's why you'll never, ever see me say the cure word.
Homeopathics work from the top down, and from the inside out..and a person may feel worse before they feel better, but the worst thing they can do is to start and not follow through. I found the homeopathics online also, that have tested to be what I've needed for the epstein barr virus, cytomegalovirus, rocky mountain spotted fever, borrelia (lyme), and bartonella..but they aren't ones I would direct people to, if they weren't for sure what they were up against.
They have a similar bacterial homeopathic.
This is the company that had the animal pathogens..but I could only find the bacterial. These are the type of pathogens that hit the spleen though. There are other spleen/lymph support products, but as long as the spleen is inflamed with bacterias, they have to be cleaned up first.
Edit: It made the page too wide (don't like the larger font) I'll just give the link for the product list I found for Professional Complementary Health Formulas, and point out the ones that tested well for me.
Ameba/Fluke Detox (Xenobiotics) 2oz
Bacterial Nosode
Botanifuge 90c/BP
Bowel Pathogen Nosode
Several different chemical detox were needed, but it depended upon what showed up. Having the liver and bowels open is important for any of this! You can look over the many different things available- childhood vaccines is one of them. Alot of the toxins are stored in adipose (fat) tissue, skin, and other organs, and it can take the extra boost to get them moving out. I remember Dr Sutter saying he had done homeopathics for something...vaccines?
I mainly have used the Energetix homeopathics for the lymphatic, and organ drainage. Any one of the 3 lymphs (but the #3 is for more chronic lymph problems).
This is an example of specific things for the spleen. Thymus is involved with the spleen for immune system. The glandulars he's had me using, are mostly from Biotic's Research, but I know Professional Complementary Health is a good one.
Spleen Thymus
Spleen Stim