This is the latest without header:. Is your software setup, can you just copy it in?
program c duty 50
label Wakeup # Several dormant stages
dwell 120
label 1
program a
backfreq b 1133.4455 43 # Modulation to bypass early stage filters
backfreq c 6987998.7777 43 # Modulation to bypass Sr. Adults past breeding age filters
offset 22 # <50= (-) or AC
duty 43
label The456 # Works all other stages
dwell 720
offset 100 # >50= (+) or DC
backfreq b 0 0
label 2
program c duty 50
pulse 778778 66.6 # Heavy Metal Modulator
label 3
# To Skip add "goto 4" here
label Uncover.Eggs # Blows up Sr. Adults, this is the stage with the most Lead toxicity
dwell 300 # If the 6987998.7777 was added then they will blow up anyhow just over a longer period.
26541.5236 # This may aid in taking things like Triphala but it does hinder getting at the Eggs
label 4
label Eggs # Unembroynated Eggs - excretes HIV - AIDS if found in Thymus
dwell 300
label 5
label Urocleidus.similis # Gill parasite, infects Buski, one cause of CFS
dwell 240