I've been on the McCombs Plan now for nearly 7 weeks & I thought I'd check in with my results.
I am doing much better! My anxiety is down 75% and I've been feeling normal most of the day rather than "messed up" every second of every day. People around me are telling me there's a real difference in my appearance, personality, and that I'm more enjoyable to be around now! (Anyone with candida problems can attest that we're not the most *fun* people to be around!)
I have enough energy to work all day, then go out and do my running around at night. I just organized a benefit for our local soup kitchen (we raised $1800!!) and that night took a TON of energy, and I was able to fly through it no problem. The room was packed too, and I felt ZERO anxiety!! What an answer to prayer!
I have also been able to drive hours at a time on highways and freeways without anxiety! Before lately, I could barely drive across town - never mind driving on a highway!!
I'm also thinking clearly most of the day! I want to scream "MCCOMBS PLAN!!!!!" from the rooftops, but I'm afraid of heights... :)
I don't want to paint an overly rosey picture either. Here are my recurrent problems:
My ears still feel like they are full of cotton. I've tried Antronex and it made me extremely dizzy.
I still have flair ups of arthritis (I'm 31 years old with arthritis - unbelievable!)
I still get dizzy and weak in the knees - but not as bad as I used to.
My energy is still on the low end - I'm not running any marathons any time soon. But the energy I have gained has allowed me to rejoin the living!
I strayed from the diet a few times over Thanksgiving (I ate a lot of bacon and overdid fruit - a recurring problem of mine!), so I added another week of the basic plan. Other than that, I am drinking the water, taking the supplements, and taking my hot baths religiously!
I do have 2 questions for Dr. McCombs:
If folks still have lingering issues (like the ones I mentioned) is it better to either prolong the protocol or to finish the plan as it is written and do the Plan again a while down the road?
And you also suggest to remain on a lower dose of Candida Force for a while after finishing the Plan, correct?
Thanks for your work! It has helped me tremendously! I only imagine I'll continue to get better as I progress through the Plan.