Hi Trapper, long time no talk. How are you? <3
I just had a quick question. I have moved to a new city that unfortunately puts fluoride in the water. The water where I was living back in California was not fluoridated so I never had to worry about ingesting more beyond the fluoridated water my mom purposefully bought bottled with EXTRA fluoride for us growing up *ugh, she has since changed her ways upon reading about fluoride and feels horrible about this*
I haven't done iodine therapy at all or taken any supplements in about 6 months. I want to go back to it, in small doses. I know it takes large doses of iodine to displace fluoride (which is what I DONT want, I did fluoride detox once before and it was so horrible I never want to go through it again and cant afford to be that sick at this time in my life) so what I was wondering is, is it possible to take small enough doses of iodine to still get the benefits of having iodine in my system without displacing tons of fluoride? I don't really want to "detox", I just want the benefits of iodine that I remember, such as more energy, better mood and feeling warmer.
There is no way I can get the fluoride out of my water at this time. I'm struggling financially and can't afford a filter or bottled water. It angers me so much that they can poison us in this way. I've already written to the city water department and the head guy sent back a very condescending email talking to me like I was a stupid child and pointing out the dental benefits of this "harmless chemical". It makes me sick. And I'm afraid to take iodine for fear of causing a fluoride detox.
What do you think? Do you think a normal dose of iodine such as between 12 and 25 mgs would be okay without causing detox? Thanks so much for the help, I hope all is well with you all.