I think what she is referring to is that despite the differences espoused by both parties, and most people who post here obviously support what the Republican's put forth as their ideals and positions, much of what is espoused by both parties is just word games and the truth is that both parties are controlled at the upper levels by the same globalist power elites. If McCain and Palin had been elected it might have been less of a disaster, but it would still have been a disaster and they still would be working for the same folks who control Obama. As I said earlier, it is all well and good to debate the supposed philosophies of one party or faction versus another, but we should not let that blind us to how it is the same people who are sticking it to us coming and going.
By all means, support those who espouse conservative ideals, or those who espouse liberal ideas for that matter, IF they swear to do so within the framework of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. I think liberals will have a much harder time doing that because, regardless of the good intentions they may have, or believe they have, they have been duped and conditioned into embracing programs and ideals that are antithetical to those two precious documents that are supposed to serve as the foundation of this country.
On the other hands, Republicans and conservatives have largely been duped too. We've almost all been duped when you get down to it. I hope and believe that I am seeing signs that many of us are starting to wake up.
No argument from me on what you are saying. I wonder though if true conservative constitutionalists can ever regain control of the Republican Party? You know, at the upper levels it has danced to the same puppet strings as the Democrats for a long time now.
I like the idea and ideals of the Tea Party. Though the system has been thoroughly rigged against third parties, the two party system is a long time sham and it is time for one that truly serves the people, believes in limited government and will adhere to the principles and protections of the Constitution and Declaration of Indendence. This was never intended to be a nanny state, a welfare state or a Big Brother state that rules from the top down - but that is what has happend and both parties have played their roles in making it so.
the two party system is a long time sham and it is time for one that truly serves the people, believes in limited government and will adhere to the principles and protections of the Constitution and Declaration of Indendence.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day. He said he was all for the democrats forming a third party. Such a party would guarantee republican victories. A third party of conservatives would indeed guarantee victory for liberalism. I say we have got to see if we can influence the repubican party to embrace conservatism.
As long as the Republican party remains corrupted and controlled at the top by the same elements that corrupt and control the Democratic Party, the end results are going to be the same - we are going to be distracted into playing a two party game of words, smoke and mirrors and continue electing people who represent the interests of the global elite instead of We the People. The weak Federal Government intended by our forefathers will continue to expand as a top heavy entity which restricts and dictates to us instead of protects our liberties and serves us. And our freedoms, wealth and moral values will continue to be eroded.
Whether by creation of a third (fourth, fifth, etc,) party or by utilizing an existing party, the ONLY way to take back our country short of outright rebellion is to work from the local level up to educate politicians about the unalienable rights declared in the Declaration of Independence and secured by the Constitution and demand that the adhere to it or face the consequences.
I certainly do not favor violent revolution and would hope that nothing of the sort happens, but our forefathers bravely put their lives on the line to secure liberty and it may come to that again if enough good men and women wake up and have the courage. We have been taught and conditioned all of our lives to work within the system, and I agree that such would be preferable, but such conditioning works for the benfit of the system when it becomes corrupt and unsresponsive to its citizens. And look at who has been doing the teaching and conditioning.
Many of the most famous of our forefathers indicated quite clearly that they felt that any form of government is likely to become corrupt and stop serving the people over time and that revolutions might be necessary for periodic cleansings and restoration of liberties. As long as the greedy NWO elite continue to play us and the rest of the world, such thinking may be right.
Attempting to provide artificial fixes at the top without addressing the systemic illness from the bottom up ultimately fixes nothing.
Hot air? LOL. Hey, we try to serve - and you know the benefits of extra oxygenation.