Is blackstrap molasses bad for Candida. The answer is yes due to the sugar, but that is not the only reason. Studies have shown that iron, which BSM has a lot of actually promotes Candida virulence:
Oh, I have always tried to look answer to this.
If I eat bran at 8 AM wont it affect my mineral absorption at 8 PM?
But if I eat bran at 6PM, would it affect mineral absorption at 8 PM ?
I don't believe that it does really interfere with mineral absorption. I posted the reason in my other post on this subject.
Friendly bacteria seem to be pleased with high fiber foods. I understand that inulin (Jerusalem artichoke root) is one of the best and is OK for diabetics. It does not affect insulin levels. I think it is also due to its being a non-digestible dietary fiber.
Exactly, the Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin that is not absorbed in to the bloodstream due to its large molecular size. Instead the flora ferment it breaking it down in to smaller sugar units to feed themselves.
If IP6(Rice Bran) also chelates zinc and calcium wouldnt it be best to stay away from it. I have been using rice bran as a prebiotic but have been very concerned about the phytic acid in th bran. Are there other reliable sources of prebiotics other than brans?
Phytic acid has a much higher affinity for heavy metals and iron than it does for calcium or zinc. Also keep in mind that in order to bind the heavy metals or iron it must give up the compounds it is bound to and has less of an affinity for such as the calcium and zinc.