Friday, November 27, 2009 - Byron J. Richards, CCN
Programming of the immune system during pregnancy and the first few years of life is now known to have a significant impact on future health. Children with recurring infections, recurring antibiotic use, too many immunizations, high stress environments, poor diet, and/or weight gain are all having their immune system’s programmed to be hyper-aroused and prone to allergy and asthma.
Conversely, nutrition is a main tool that the immune system and nervous system uses to support healthy function and development. It is not at all surprising that a multivitamin during younger years helps support healthier development and leads to 39% less allergy by age 8. Considering there is an epidemic of allergic illnesses in our youth, a multivitamin is just plain common sense.
Such as less hyperactivity, ADD, depression and other mental disorders, less flu and other illnesses, etc.
Chris, isn't it odd to see how nutritional deficiencies and poor lifestyle habits have been linked to hyperactivity, yet vitamins and minerals essential to life are identified as negatives?
As I am sure you are well aware, there is a longstanding pattern in mainstream medicine to finance studies which discredit any benefits reported in other studies for vitamins, minerals or other essential nutrients - often even to the point of making the absurd argument that supplementation with the essential items which provide health for mankind could be detrimental if not downright dangerous.
We have seen it before with the flawed SELECT study and many others. Most recently, I noticed studies were being reported about the benefits of folate and Vitamin B12. Right on cue came other studies funded by mainstream interests warning of the dangers of those same items. When you take a look at the studies you will find that they were designed to produce results favorable for the funders - from misinterpreting data to excluding data that disagreed with their pre-conceived results to using synthetic petro chemicals and crushed rock minerals in miniscule amounts.
Any day now we will probably start to see studies which "prove" the dangers of organic food crops and the superior benefits of irradiated GMO crops (we've already seen studies and proclamatiions about the safety of irradiating and the dangers of not doing so). After that, perhaps we will even see studies which "prove" that deficiencies in chemotherapy drugs and other pharmaceuticals lead to cancer and other illness.
The bottom line is that proper nutrition and lifestyle is the foundation for healthy bodies - and every healthy person is one less customer for Big Pharma and mainstream medicine, whose only marketplace is our bodies.
All the best,
My Bank has a branch in the local super market. King Soopers AKA Krogers. I go there occasionally to use the ATM, or cash a check.
The have a produce display as you walk into the front door with specials. Occasionally I will check it out to see if they offer any organic items.. The produce on this particular day had a PLU # indicating it was GMO. One of the produce employees was working close by, so I told him that I had never seen GMO products there before, when did they start selling GMO. He stated that all the produce was GMO save for a small section of Organic produce they offer.
Checking the produce the next time I was there, all the PLU#'s had been removed. Since the main stream media doesn't tell people the hazards of GMO, and other health facts, there are a lot of folks buying this crap without knowing it.