The best thing you can do for her constipation is to increase her fiber intake. The best way to do this is to get her to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and it looks like you've made a good start doing this. Since the constipation is severe, it might be a good idea to give her a fiber supplement and enemas until it improves. Normally I'd suggest
colonics as well, but I don't know if they would work for a three-year-old.
According to "Optimal Wellness" by Dr. Ralph Golan, " . . . repetitive use of the same food is commonly associated with the development of allergies to that food. It is also extremely common to find that the foods to which we're allergic are the same foods we crave. . . . When nearly any addictive substance is withheld from an individual for a relatively short period of time, withdrawal symptoms are likely to develop (maladaptation)--symptoms that are sometimes quite severe and painful." Does this seem to fit her experience with milk?
Later in the book, he states that "From the perspective of nutritional medicine, eczema is often a manifestation of a
food allergy . It may also be the result of an intestinal yeast overgrowth, intestinal toxicity, or a deficiency of essential fatty acids and zinc." I hope this helps.