"More grime with just one swipe" is the motto for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers being advertised on TV, again.
I say again, because after their initial appearance a few years ago, this cleaning product was going to be phased out due to the controversy of using formaldehyde for everyday cleaning, and marketing it for use by young children.
They are not "magic" at all, they use the powerfull [and dangerous] chemical formaldehyde to "erase" the dirt.
Thats right - FORMALDEHYDE. No wonder they get more grime with just one wipe when they are soaking, dripping, wet with formaldehyde.
Sure, it cleans like the dickens but it is also a carcinogen. You don't want to breathe this stuff. Nobody needs to be this "clean"!!
There is a little bit of formaldehyde in cigarettes, and they say that is dangerous... Mr. Clean Magic Erasers give users more formaldehyde that is in 10,000 packs of cigarettes [est.], and it also goes right into your lungs as you toil over the filth.
WORST of all is that the TV ads show 5 year old kids using them. The thing about toxins and children is that their smaller bodies means greater concentrations of the offending chemicals, and therefore more damage and potential for cancer. In kids. Riiiiiiight, and they think that is a good thing, so they market it to be used by kids.
There is no barrier at all between the formaldehyde in the Mr Clean Magic Erasers and the user's skin. They may recommend wearing rubber gloves in fine print on the label, but on the TV ad they show young kids using them with bare hands {will the fine print or the TV images be more influential? My guess is the TV images will have more impact, and so kids will use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers without adequate protection from the formaldehyde].