Lucid Cre8tor
There are many nodes to consider. One must look at all levels to heal effectively. Understanding and coherence of these levels must be realized within consciousness.
"dinner was very light - lots of green salad, DELI MEATS and CHEESES, fruit. It is early but we are very tired from a long day."
This is way off the mark at the physical level for healing requirements. I can get into why if you require it. This meal features dead, processed food. Harmonically this will be connected to other aspects emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I am over simplifying but you get what I am saying.
Mentally one has to look at constitution, personality traits and how one interfaces with reality (environmental). From this vantage point we see what choices literally carve out the thought form circuitry. From there the circuitry interfaces with emotions. The are very much connected and must be brought in full alignment (coherence). There are many ways to do this but it must be done so that a person gains understanding within the process. That will bring lasting results. The choices that flow from these levels create resonation through choices in the physical realm. This is where one may be around toxins, etc and we see them factor into the entire harmonic picture (through choices).
The people who heal anything, whether it be cancer or a spinal injury, are the ones who literally evaluate their life and recreate it. This changes their entire life construct at all levels, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Each level effects the other levels and when done with full awareness healing takes place. The key is removing toxicity at all harmonic levels and supplying nutrients at all harmonic levels.