I thought I would share this here in this forum because I think it brings up a very important notion. So many people trap themselves by grabbing things from out side themselves and then take it on as code. The code then begins to project a reality based on that code.
Here is the original post. My thoughts follow.
"I'm a 47 yr. old male scorpio and have struggled all my life with being one..I find myself so deep thinking, emotional, and just plain depressed most of the time..pure water..I have sag rising and my moon is in gemini which makes for a very unfocused and restless mindset..I can barely focus on any endeavors, including careers that never last and have been in 4-5 relationships my whole life, all of them leaving me..Reading is very difficult after 20 min..I've had a local astrologer do my chart and she said I have a "very difficult" chart..Liz Greene, a very well known astrologist, did a psychological astrology report which was very direct, revealing, and true of myself, yet downright depressing..I've never had money or a good relationship in my life and it shows why in my chart..Scorpios have the ability to "rise up" from the ashes because there always falling into them..A terrible sign, chart, and one I wish I could change..But I'm stuck with it..Any other scorpios feeling what I'm saying?"
Horoscopes tend to bind most people's consciousness because they have you believe in an "out there," as some guiding force in the same way some people believe "genetics do or other "outer" snares. When you understand that one is a joined reflection of the other, in other words the macrocosm equals the microcosm, then you will understand fully that you are free to create as you wish. Fear tends to hold us into a particular template and then these templates become our only world view; a locked in world view.
What I am saying here is if you go beyond your pattern, the cosmos will change along with it. It is called quantum entanglement and it is an important but often missed aspects of our current reality.
Just like genetics is a snap shot and shows "future" tendencies and probabilities based on this snapshot, so are psychological patterns seen in astrological templates and other similar paradigms. They are but informational metaphors showing us what our thoughts and creations are holding space as. As above so below and vice versa.
The key thing to get from this is that our "solid" reality is created out of thought. If we buy into grids that show up on the reality stage based on already projected thoughts,both individual and collective, they entrap us into a particular reality loop (structure).
Create freely and watch the templates transform along with you/us.