Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease in which skin and joints of body are affected.Unnecessary skin is produced which initiates inflamation. Certain people mix eczema with psoriasis. Both are separate things.Eczema is drying of skin where as in psoriasis skin has redish acne depending on type of psoriasis.Psoriasis affects more than aczema.
Psoriasis effects the way one live. Quality of life is affected. The enduring of psoriasis have to understand the realism about his body and realize to live with it. In psoriasis the tolerant have itch on the affected area. The affects can be mild or rigorous depending on circumstance of the disease. Psoriasis make happens stress. Clearly one will feel uncomfortable with psoriasis but the Need is to manage the disease with on a daily basis life the way we look towards ourselves. If the affected areas are publically visible at that time there is a need of accepting the truth that people will catch sight of it and say "Eueeee! What's that" The clear-cut answer is "Yes I have psoriasis and i am cheery with myself and my body"
The fright of public must be eradicated initially. You have psoriasis because nature wants you to have. At least your not blind or limped. There is a proverb that when you will realize people that don't have blessings you have then you will know how valuable things you have.So there are a lot of other things to nervous about than wasting life in this stress that i have psoriasis.
There are medications for psoriasis.Try them. These cures can heal almost 70% of the disease. The best one is the treatment with herbs as herbs are harmeless natural wonders. Thousands of people with psoriasis have revealed significant results when healed with herbs.