Id say no one offered any opinion before cause of the risk of hurting you and its such a specialized topic. Most of us wouldnt have the understanding of what, whatever hormones you are taking would do. I can only assume you are taking items which tell your system you are in menses ect.
So the question is what would the recycing of those, added to the mix, of chemicals do. Doesnt sound like something you would want to play around with. Many feel hormone replacement itself, not birth control that is, is a questionable therapy.
In your case the Docs must figure how much is needed, depending on the fact that a certain amount are quickly passed. It shouldnt be too unusuall of a question to ask your Dr, you might be surprized. If they arent familiar w ut you can familiarize them w the facts of the sterile kidney fluid passed and known as urine.
If you are looking for extra energy tho and dont want to get off the pill, you might try adding a wheatgrass tonic to your daily intake. Making a gallon mixture of 4
oz or so of grass juice and adding a guart of fruit juice to taste,then water. Evan diluted with just water grass juices can be a great tonic.