Just curious - since my first flush (late June), I've been noticing tiny dark green 'flakes' in BM's on a fairly consistent basis. To the best of my recollection, they do not float and are easily distinguishable from the rest of the BM. I'm almost positive they weren't there prior to flushing.
At first I thought my body may have started to digest salad greens (mostly romaine lettuce) differently than prior to the flush, as they strongly resemble pulverized bits of salad. However, my experience is that digested salad green remnants float.
Does this sound like chaffe, or maybe tiny stone remnants still being elimated from my liver and gall bladder? As a general rule of thumb, I've eaten a much better diet of late, and try to regularly drink organic apple juice, often supplemented with ACV. I also started taking lecithin and milk thistle supplements in late July. Any thoughts?