Hi, this is my first time on this forum. I have costochondritis and have been suffering terribly with it since March 09 - that's about 8 monts ago. At first, the doctor told me I had fractured ribs - without any test - and that I would feel better in a few weeks. The pain only got worse - originally was only on the left side. After about 3 weeks I went back to him - had chest x-ray and ultrasound - still no broken ribs showed up. Costochondritis he said - definitely will heal in about 2 weeks. Little did he know - thousands of dollars later for blood work ($1,036 worth!) xrays, ultrasounds, ct scan and nuclear bone scan. And yes, costochondritis - but we can't do anything for you was the result. Now, today I suffer. I've spent the past 3 days on the couch or in the bed, with heavy duty pain relief and anti inflammatories. Nothing really works. I spend hours in the bathtub soaking in hot water. Once the water goes cold I refill it. I have first appointment with pain management doctor on Wednesday - although I want a cure - not just relief - but relief will be good. I want to know - has anyone actually been cured? I was an athelete. I walked minium of 3.5 miles everyday - rain snow sunshine - didn't matter. A bicycle enthusiast, a swimmer, and hiker. Since March, I've not been able to do much of any of the above - everytime I move I end up in horrible pain. I've missed work and family events due to pain and fear of the pain recurring. Does anyone have any answers - as the doctors seem to be stumped and I get the feeling they realy don't "care"? Any suggestions would help.