I just finished round 1 of Humaworm today! Hurray!
Just a few observations of my 30-day journey:
1. I definitely saw tapeworm segments, but not sure whether I got the head this time. RG, if I'd gotten the head, does it mean I shouldn't be seeing any more segments? I have noticed a decrease in floaters in my eyes.
2. I only saw the red tomato-like things once, and that was the day after I'd eaten tomatoes. Whilst I had eaten the large tomatoes and the skins I saw are considerably smaller in size, I can't say for certain that they were young adult liver flukes. But I strongly suspect I do have liver flukes, cos I love sushi and I've touched sheep before.
3. I saw lots of black slug-like stuff that defies identification. I didn't poke in detail, but they were mostly around 1 cm in length. I've read that they could be liver flukes, but they look SO different from the tomato skins!
4. Also saw lots of black poppy/sesame seed stuff - RG said could be tapeworm or liver fluke larvae.
5. I had suspected I could have ascaris mostly because I eat like a horse but can't seem to gain weight, so I thought there might be something in my small intestines which affect my absorption of nutrients, but I saw nothing that could be identified for it. I'm not quite sure how it looks though.
As for die-off, it was relatively well contained as I've been taking 8 oz of Hu-mana-tea every day. The one day I did without the tea, I felt awful with headaches, lethargy and tummy pain.
I've always had a problem with acne. Ever since my first liver flush in late Sept, it has flared up even more, and mostly along my jaw line. These spots are large, concentrated, inflamed and with pus (and naturally very painful). With my other pimples, the pus would dry out after a while. With the spots that cropped up over the past month or more, the pus will not go away. I have to let it out. Most of the time, using RG's cream on it will bring up even more pus, but the spot will die down after I let it out. My husband told me just now, though, that the worst flare-up seems to have subsided. Hopefully this remains the case!
I think my liver is in quite a bad shape (I've been put on Accutane and long courses of anti-biotics before), as seen from the acne. I've also noticed that some of my BMs whilst on Humaworm are lighter in colour as usual (that is an interesting subject in itself, for I've had dark green, bright orange, brown and mud-yellowish poo over the past month!). Some of them float. I know this is a sign of liver dysfunction, but my stools tended to be brown and sink before Humaworm. So are the floating mud-yellowish poo a result of the release of toxins, or does it mean my liver is too over-burdened from processing the toxins released by the dying critters?
For the next 2.5 weeks, I'll be prepping for my second liver flush using Julia Chang's tinctures. I'll be taking Hu-mana-tea and the in-between herbs as well. I hope this will get me back on the path to recovery!
Thanks, RG, for a wonderful product!! Humaworm rocks!