This forum needs to remain intact... with or without ML, and it needs to remain open to new posts.
This forum started, or expanded a whole host of "ideas" on CZ that have spread across curezone that others have taken, or erroneously been given credit for... such as our need for Iodine.
When the iodine forums were created, the same people who berated and trashed ML for the use of kelp for having "too much" iodine in it to be taken daily were all of a sudden taking a "supplement" form of iodine in amounts far exceeding those anyone could ever get from seaweeds. :-\ Go figure?
Then once they found out ML was right on our need for iodine, they trashed kelp/seaweeds for having this or that in it, like arsenic... ML ALWAYS stated that QUALITY matters and to get the very best you can find (of anything) from the cleanest waters.
Many people also tore apart the use of lime water, many of them were some of the very same people touting and promoting the use of colloidal silver which forms silver oxide/hydroxide when manufactured.
Go figure :-\
I am sick of the hypocrisy here... the egos, the my way is best for everyone attitude, the gang mentality that followers have towards their perceived "gurus" whether they are right, wrong, or not.
The very same people, along with others pitched a fit about the use of a pinch of Epsom salts... and black strap molasses... you name it, people pitched a fit if ML suggested it... the same people in some cases that tell others to do these same things now.
The very same people never got to know ML, misunderstood him and his "intent" harassing and berating him and his posts both publicly and privately relentlessly.
Would you have endured this constant barrage for as long, or as well as ML did?
Simple, inexpensive, cheap forms of helping oneself was and will always be under attack... these people must protect the (their) revenue streams... whether honest or not.
It happens across the board... simple, no/low cost solutions to complex problems whether it be in health, government, church or social groups will always be ignored and attacked... no money in it.
Too bad... people should come first.
Granted, some of these folks believe, or want to believe that they are working in the best interests of others... so they build up strong defenses for their products and ways... it justifies their cause... however, is not necessarily the truth... and it is definitively, not the "only way".
The road to hell is paved with good intentions and the "truth" will always be under attack.
And apparently, this forum, along with the alkaline/acid forums, will always be under attack.
Because MOST people do not UNDERSTAND acid/alkaline balancing principles.
NOTE: I did NOT state "alkaline"... I stated "acid/alkaline"...
ML NEVER stated that we need ONLY alkaline minerals, yet that is ALL some people "hear" or "see" :-\... he stated in not so many words that we needed a broad spectrum of alkaline minerals to match with a broad spectrum of acids and to react with and against these acids, to buffer the acids in order to create energy and form new tissue growth to replace and repair.
You will see news articles coming out in a flurry now about all the diseases that have a virus associated with them... obesity, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, leukemia, cancer, HIV, TB, you name it...
And what is common in all these cases... a specific or a number of alkaline mineral deficiencies... WHY? Because without "specific" alkaline minerals, the proper complexing of proteins cannot be achieved, leaving rogue or partial proteins to proliferate.
Why is this important? Because a virus is nothing but an incomplete protein... with a protein or lipid coat... an ACID.