So, I thought I would try it to see if using the cream would increase my cycle and slow down the menopause symptoms. It has been 1.5 months now (with breaks, of course) and I have a feeling it may have been a poor choice for me.
I have had increasing depression, mild fogginess, and pretty severe mood swings. Today was HORRID. I really wanted to run away. this has not happened to me since I had Mirena out. Not even close.
I know the cream builds up in your system, and I also read that synthetic progestins can interfere with our seratonin production. (aka depression-which has never been a severe problem with me before).
This is the only change I have made in my supplements, so I am going to stop using it, but I am not sure if I should stop "cold turkey", or taper off it. (not due for my period for another week).
Anyone using it or have some input on it? I don't remember anyone posting about these kind of reactions before, so I am totally second guessing myself on this, but it seems the logical culprit. Otherwise, I am just going batty, and that is just NOT an option! :)
Good to see the forum up again, BTW!