I haven't posted for awhile. I am now homeless due to not being able to find a job. I am staying in my car, which actually isn't as bad as it sounds. Jobs are becoming available in my city slowly so know this is only temporary.
I have been passing so many parasites! My legs. I can't believe how strong and healthy they are getting. Feel huge worms dying and coming out of my bones. This is what keeps me going and staying positive. My feet have always been turned out and now they face straight. I used to dance and have to painfully point them straight. I walked 6 miles today and stood for about 4 hours and still have energy left!
also, my head is becoming smaller and round again. Had so much junk and bumps. Feel I am growing up in my mind/brain and body. Horray!
I have to admit I have resorted to eating junk as I am poor and can't cook. I am thinking about getting food stamps until I find work just so I can get something nutritious.
Thanks for listening and being here on my LONG journey, sometimes into Hell and back.