That could be part of your body's cleansing and healing response. As you continue to eliminate the fungal candida, inflammation, and tissue flora imbalance, that should improve. Other things that can help include colonics, which some people have told me helped their eczema and psoriasis quite a bit. Hydrochloric acid (Betaine HCL with Pepsin) with meals can also help to stabilize intestinal flora and function. When you add probiotics in Week 7, that will also assist the process.
If you use clobetasol, it won't interfere with the Plan when used sparingly. Some people find 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar ina cup of warm water with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda applied topically can help. I would add a few drops of lavender oil to the mix. Let me know how it goes.