Hi 65058
How are you?
I think your bad breath case is similar to mine. We both have nose odor and no
Body Odor . The nose odor changes mostly depends on what we ate. It seems like it is caused by SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth). Have you talked to your doctor about SIBO? SIBO can be cured by taking
Antibiotics .
I took Amoxicillin due to a flu and it suppressed the odor while I was on that
Antibiotics . Recently, I took Flagyl (for 1 week) which got rid of fecal smell and fecal smell never comes back.
I believe that different bacteria generates different kind of seems to me that Flagyl took care of the bacteria that generates fecal smell.
If we can kill all the bacteria with
Antibiotics and replenish probiotics right away, we can be nose odor free.
According to LPN, she got rid of her BB and BO by taking Golden Seal (herbal antibiotics) and probiotics for 3 months. This can be a possible cure for us. Have you tried Golden Seal capsules?
I have an appointment with ENT next monday and I'll ask him for the drug for SIBO.
Regarding ozonated water, it sometimes lessen the odor and it doesn't work sometimes.
Regarding food, we must avoid all dairy, wheat products (including bread), coffee and chocolate.
Please advice if you have any idea on curing nose odor. Thanks!
Take care.