It is a good thing to be obsessed with EC so a cure is found. Much focus is necessary to come up with a solution. I lived with it the past years, but now I want to do something about it. i should not have to live like this anymore.
I think I will go back to the dish soap for a few more days until my lips are more healed. Then I will start on the cream again. I must tell you I was out all day the other day wearing lipstick when I used dish soap and I did not have to wipe any white gunk off my lips even once. my lips are feeling moist (moist, raw lip skin) again with cream so I will wait a little while to use it again.
My lips are more moist than dry most of the time. I don't know if other people's lips are more dry than moist. So different treatments might work better for some. I am not ruling out the cream, though.
Yes, you need a presription. I think it might be better to ask a primary care doctor instead of a dermatologist. The dermatologist will want to examine your dry skin unlike a primary care doctor. A dermatologist might just give you a small sample size instead of a prescription and make you come back to examine your dry skin for prescription in a couple weeks.
I got my sample for free from a dermatologist, but you need a prescription. They pronounce it Epi-cream although it is spelled differently.
I've been using dish soap with medicated chap stick and its been working well. One of the best things I've used in the past 9 years of having this condition.
I just put a light layer of soap on my lips and put chap stick over it (I don't wash off the soap).
I noticed my lips stay soft for a long period of time and exfoliate muchh easier when I have to. This is only 1 week in so I'll keep updating on the progress.
Exactly, we should favor dedication and commitment to finding a solution, but not trying a million pills or creams at once or checking and cutting and ripping your dead skin every five minutes. Ruling things out or trying things one by one.
Just give it time. And I know how fustrating that is for some people after having this condition for years and then to be told to wait a long time for it to completely heal.