Bashar "Circumstances don't matter, only my state of Being matters"
Just love that :-)
These have been my deep seated beliefs for the last 33 years. But I don't discuss them often.
Maybe it's because you feel you will receive negative feedback?
I rarely speak about anything else, and because I really don't care what people think about me, I pretty much always get interesting people to chat with. Even the most seemingly ordinary people relate to the truth. The truth is in all of us and when we speak the truth with total conviction, it triggers the truth in others.
Even the friends of my teenage sons .. even with the postman ... they all get it.
Think of yourself as a leading edge thinker .. and set your tuning fork to invite in those that resonate. You will soon be able to openly discuss these ideas with anyone, even the lady who works at the grocery store.
And remove any need for approval - because that is at the core of being scared to voice your truth.
Maya XX