I didn't say that they don't care or don't notice.
I said they don't care or notice like you do. You are the only one that is putting so much focus on it. You are the only one that is causing so much negative feeling inside yourself about your lips.
The people that love and care about you do not feel disgust about you. Most of the other people are not as concerned with your lips as you are. That's what I said. And it's true.
The lips are vital in communication and self expression and it's a terrible place to hold all those negative feelings. I know that. I've been on the streets with the nastiest lips and I've had the same feelings that you have. Feelings like everyone thinks I'm disgusting and no one can love me or want to kiss me or eat at a restaraunt with me. There are many people that are concerned about appearances these days, and many of them may not like to see crusty lips. But 98% of the people you meet are not going to place a negative label like "disgust" on you if you are a good person. With these lips, we project this negativity out. People pick up on that. They most likely notice our discomfort most of all.
I wish I could take this away for everyone. Hopefully my progress will help. Trust me, I'm not naive to how E.C. makes you feel. These are the things that help me get by, and I believe them.