i'm just angry, frustrated,scared, venting, you know, doing my full moon thing...I guess.
I feel just the same wen. The full moon (I almost misspelled it as "fool moon":-) always affects me pretty badly too.
I just don't know anymore about anything and sometimes, sometimes i just get discouraged...does that happen to any of you?
Definitely. Sometimes it seems like there no end to the things that have to be treated, the frequencies to be ran or the supplements to be taken. But then when I think back of *before* I knew any of this stuff, then I put it in perspective. I remember feeling bad, having strange symptoms which come and go,... and I had no idea what caused it. Add to it doctors whose standard response seemed to be to prescribe antidepressants (which I'm proud to say I never ever touched), and family members who don't get it... Well anyway, venting my frustration:-)
So really, things are better now. At least now we know who the enemy is (who they are I should really say - so many parasites...), and we are learning how to shoot them.:-) So let's give 'em hell!:-)