I have one root canalled tooth, an incisor. Without a doubt it has caused a myriad of problems for me over the years due to the aneorobic bacteria that would appear to have located itself within the apparently filled canal. Chronic fatigue, bad breath, sinus congestion, possible thyroid problems but to name a few.
Although I intend to have this dead tooth extracted at some point, I would like to advise people on my experience of oil pulling and its effect on
root canal bacteria. I use coconut oil, and pull atleast once a day and sometimes 3 but generally twice... Initially feeling much worse for about 1 month (herxheimer effect) I can now say after several months of oil pulling that without a doubt oil pulling helps to alleviate the problems created by root canalled teeth.
All throbbing has completely dissapeered and aslong as I continue to oil pull on a daily basis the throbbing stays away. The horrible smell coming from the gum above the root canalled tooth has reduced by over 80%, therefore my conclusion is that oil pulling must drain the infected location around the canalled tooth, or perhaps it is the antibacterial effect of coconut oil killing the bacteria. So this is great news if your wondering what to do with a root canalled tooth until such point you have the tooth extracted.
Sinus problems have vastly improved and aslong as I dont stop oil pulling, I have got about 50-70% recovery (in terms of sinus congestion) on a regular basis. So, oil pulling helps to lessen the burden of having root canalled teeth, absolutely 100% without a doubt.
Ofcourse oil pulling will also assist other contributory factors that create sinus congestion in addition to root canalled teeth. An important consideration as the root cause (parden the pun) of all sinus problems are not founded in root canalled teeth.