No. Such a simple little word.
So much is changing on a day to day basis. We are living through a paradigm shift. A more evil/bad shift then what occurred 2000 years ago when rome converted itself into the Vatican. We are at the pinicale point in history were we might, just maybe be able to stop or at least slow down the most totalitarian ultimate slave system the world has ever seen. The kind were the slaves can't think, were slaves are genetically generated (made to order) to perform a specific task.
As the good slaves we are we are trained to follow the leaders that come out of the woodwork to lead the flock off of cliffs. Were trained to look at experts for answers. Were trained through the media to look for leaders to create solutions that will save us. This is the most destructive mental war that has plagued humanity since the weaponization of stories via the t.v./film was created. The clowns that created this crap also were practitioners of magic and used the idiot box to cast spells world wide. The only advice i can give you in dealing with these leaders that are given to the public to follow is to do the exact opposite and you'll be alright.
One solution that can make a big impact is using the word "NO." People need to learn/understand how powerfull the word "NO" is. This one little word can make all the difference in the world. The government tries to con you into getting a shot you tell them "NO!" They try to con you into paying taxes you say "NO!" They try to rule over you and make you slaves by conning you into thinking you need a government because we can't govern ourselves you say "NO!" Your local priest scares you into going to church and giving them money based on lies you say "NO!" The highway robbers known as police try to extort you by paying the kings taxes (tickets) you say "NO!" Remember every power that anybody has over us was given to them by us, by us playing along, playing the game, following leaders, falling into the partisan traps, being gullible enough to believe experts/scientists. We gave these people the power to rule us. And all we agree to are just ideas. Thats it. Stupid ideas. Government is just a stupid idea created by psycopaths. The only reason it exists is because we let it, we believe their crap. Thats it.
No! Learn how to use this word again. If you know people who don't know how to use it teach it to them. No! No to the old world order which seems new. NO!!!NO!! NO!!!
We have to be honest with ourselves. What do we have to loose when we really had nothing to begin with? Our false reality was given to us.