I understand what you are saying. When my gb was on the way out and dying, and me not knowing what it was, I felt symptoms like that frequently, especially at night. Sometimes I felt like the whole bed was vibrating from my movements. It was weird to say the least. I sorta thought at any time I would be turning my head around and spewing green pea soup ala' linda blair.
On a lighter note, things have gotten better since I have been flushing my liver (gb removed in 2002 before I knew about the benefits of flushing). I have had over 2000 stones come out of my liver (in 14 flushes) that were garbanzo to nickel size and better, many were as long as a quarter. I do not count the abosolute thousands of bb size stones that flushed either.
Go for the flushes, you will be a new person.
PS, parastite and
Bowel Cleanses are real beneficial too. Click on the links for more information.