If you want to make mostly true colloidal silver, and agree to a non-compete and non-disclosure you can get a custom made machine from Utopia Silver for about $50,000. Otherwise, your best bet for a home machine that makes the highest colloidal silver contents (about 30%) in a mostly ionic silver products would be the Utopia Silver Silver Bullet, which you can get with tester and voltage meter for a little over $100 if you use the CZ discount code of LR001. It is a no frills unit wthout the fancy plastic clamshell and it does not have an automatic stirrer, but it produces more colloidal silver than most other home generators.
You will see a lot of infomation posted here about how ionic silver is superior to colloidal silver. All such information comes from the makers or ionic silver products or ionic silver generators. What a surprise! Despite all the self-serving papers and self=serving tests, what people I know who have used both products have told me is that true colloidal silver such as is made by CZ sponsor Utopia Silver and Purest Colloids Mesosilver, beats the others hands down. That has been my own experience too. A rather stark example is the report from one of my Yahoo forum members who reports that she has one of the more popular brands of home generators as well as the relatively new Utopia Silver Silver Bullet and also uses the Utopia Silver Advanced Colloidal Silver commercial product. She has found the product made by the Silver Bullet to be noticeably more effective than that made by other home generator but the commercial Advanced Colloidal Silver to be considerably superior to both.
I also note that when you buy a Silver Bullet generator from Utopia Silver you get a lifetime buy-one get-one free offer on bottles of their superior commercial product for the really tough conditions you may run into.
Having said that, I also really like the Silver Gen and Silver Puppy generators. However, there is no ionic silver commercial product I would recommend over either the Advanced Colloidal Silver or the Mesosilver. If ionic silver were truly superior, then I seriously doubt that the makers of Advanced Colloidal Silver and Mesosilver would have spent all of the hundreds of thousands of dollars on their processes and setups and I note that the owner of one company has decades of experience with high voltage generators while the other owner is an MIT grad who performed work for NASA for years.
All the best,
No, you are quite right that you have the right to your opinion and who to put the most creedence in, and perhaps I could have done a bit better job with the choice of wording I used. I simply state what I know or believe to be the facts, not only from who I know but also what I have studied and the manufacturing processes I have observed, as well as the many users of silver that I have spoken with. I would point out that I have no connection whatsoever with Mesosilver and that I only post an affiliate link to Utopia Silver in my own private forum.
There will likely never be anywhere near universal agreement on whether ionic or colloidal silver is superior and I agree that arguments on the subject can be off-putting - they certainly have been off-putting many times for me, as the majority of the posts on the subject in this forum tend to argue in favor of ionic silver when what I have learned and observed in the real world is just the opposite - though I understand that perhaps a large reason for the number of posts in favor of ionic silver is due to the number of members here who make their own silver at home, which is mostly ionic.
One has to wonder why, if ionic silver is superior, why the makers of commercial silver solutions as well as the makers of home generators, refer to their solutions as "colloidal silver' instead of ionic silver? Or why this is not the ionic silver support forum instead of the colloidal silver support forum?
But I digress. The main point is that both good quality colloidal silver and good quality ionic silver both work, just the same as good quality commercial silver solutions and those made at home with good quality generators all work. I have tried to be balanced in what I have posted while remaining honest about what I know and believe to be true here and I also note that just as I have said that both forms work, I have also often stated that the Silver Puppy and Silver Gen machines make a good product (I have no connections with those either).
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Robert O, Becker and his work - and I do not see anything in his work that reflects negatively on colloidal silver or actually even on the superiority of ionic silver. You see, colloidal silver is merely a method that was devised to be more effective at deliveriing silver ions to the body, to make it more bioavailable as it were. At the end point where the silver is actually used, it is ALL ionic silver that is utilized.
In the end, the determination of efficacy lies in how much silver can be delivered and at what particle size. Particle size if often overlooked but it is perhaps the most important key of all, because the smaller the particles the greater the surface area is for any given PPM concentration of silver. The surface area of the number of basketballs, or even softballs, which will fit inside a 50 gallon drum is many, many times smaller than the total surface area of the number of BBs that will fit in the drum. The same analogy holds true for silver products which are produced either commercially or at home. If the average particle size is 10 - 100 nanometers or more, the surface area is going to be much, much less than particles which range as small as 0.65 nanometers.
As a final note, while I freely admit that I am a lifelong friend of Utopia Silver owner Ben Taylor (it was I who convinced him to become a CZ sponsor and help sponsor this site), I alway post what I believe to be the truth no matter what. To that end, you will find that I often recommend products in my own private forum that I have no affiliation with whatsoever, even though there are similar products that those I am affiliated with, including Utopia Silver, carry.
Thanks for your input,