I have been surfing this site for sometime now but as yet havent posted any messages but I think its time to do so.I have been unwell for years now experiencing headaches,extreme fatigue,tinnitus,slow heart rate,digestion problems which seems to radiate into my back between the shoulders,light headiness
and the list goes on.I have been to the regular local doctors but they say I am fine.So why do i feel shit house.Whilst surfing the net in a vane attempt to fix myself up I came across mucoid plaque and bowel cleanses.I read it and it made sense so I went to the local health shop to purchase a kit containing a liver, stomach,bowel and intestinal clear and changed our diet to exactly to match what they suggested.When I say we! I mean that my wife decided that since I was going to do it she also would do it.The brand that we undertook was an Australian brand (totally natural products) which also has a website.We have both finished our 15 day programme but apart from experiencing weight loss,loose stools,wind and feeling tired for the first three days no mucoid plaque came out.I dont feel any different either.I read alot about the pysillium
Bentonite programme and am contemplating doing it.
Question I have is how much do I take and when?
thanks in advance andrew