Hi, My name is Skylar Em.
I just noticed this forum and decided that I should take the time to introduce myself!
I am a Change Work (Hypnotherapist, NLP, Spiritual Practices, TAT, Matrix Energetics, EFT) Therapist.
I created a website called where I specialize in helping people change their subconscious belief patterns which in turn can have incredible results ranging from improved health situations (termed as miracles) improved relationships, addictions and habits eliminated, etc.
I have started a blog here at Curezone called
'Flow' where I am sharing strategies for self empowerment in areas ranging in health and wellness to spirituality.
I am thinking of starting a forum where people can explore all kinds of change work along with me. The premise is that body follows mind and we can truly perform miracles when we clear our subconscious conflicts.
When we look into why there are spontaneous remissions in diseases, in almost every case it is because resistance has been dropped, inner coherency has been re-established, and complete lifestyle changes have occurred. This roughly translated is that the person has done a complete life makeover and their belief system has radically shifted. Shift thus changes the way they project reality, making dis-ease states disappear.
I intend to share everything pertaining to the change-work paradigm. I would encourage anyone with any "problem" or dis-ease state to really explore the role our mind and emotions play in creating illness and try some of the things I will be sharing. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised!
Now all I need is a good name for the forum! ;)