Had my little girl in December and had mirena put in in march. Didn't hurt at all when the Dr put it in. Had very little cramping after it was put in. Had one period and after that I spot a little for about a week each month. Alot of times its more like blood clots than anything. I have no sex drive what so ever. When I do I spot after wards. I am bloated for about week to 2 weeks each month. It feels like i am pregnant again when this happens. I am constipated now. Which i was during my pregnancy, but was never before I got pregnant. Can't loose wait for nothing. Seemed like I was before I got this inserted and then it just stopped. I have horrible lower back pain that goes into my hips and tail bone. Went to the chiropractor four times seemed like it helped for a week or so and now I hurt just as bad as before I went. I am tired all the time. I can sleep for 5 hours or 1o hours and wake up feeling the same. I have no problem going to sleep and unless she wakes me up I seem to sleep through the nite. I am very forgetful. My head just feels like a big balloon all the time. Just feels like I am dizzy. And I go through pretty good mood swings. Guess what i want to know if these are side effects because I am thinking about removing it. Just because of the back pain alone. I also have been told these could be signs of dehydration as well. I feel they are from the mirena.