you are not alone.. I was so bad when I had the Merina!.. panic attacks all the time , my heart beating out of my chest, feeling like I was dying... i was on xanax for about 2 years and finally just stopped taking it bc I was becoming dependant on it!.. now that I've had the merina out I haven't felt any anxiety!.. but when I would start having an attack, the only thing that would help me was to preoccupy my self with something.. ANYTHING!.. play solitare, write, clean something... that would help me alot.. and most importantly even if you have to tell yourself this out loud.. YOU ARE NOT DYING, THIS CRAP CANNOT KILL YOU.. you are gonna be fine!.. I had gotten to the point where I WOULD NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE!!.. but I had to just stop and realize that Icannot let this ruin my life! or stop me from being the Mom my son deserves!!.. I hope and pray that you get better soon!.. and you are not alone!... this will not get you! we are here if you need to talk about it!!! hope this helped you..