Meanwhile... as he's just indicated the drug Zyprexa creates diabetes. I've read that there are studies that show a 1:1 ratio... and yet... now we have, among others, the American Diabetic Association trying to slip in restrictions regarding health care reform... and claiming Diabetes to be caused by life-style choices. Given the amount of psychotropic drugs that have been turning up in the water supply... along with the diabetes that develops as a result of the hormonal imbalance cascade that results from trauma... it's surprising that there aren't more people diagnosed with Diabetes.
Without a doubt... people should be making healthy life-style choices... but when a medical system cannot even identify what HEALTH is other than the absence of disease... and for as long as they continue to rely on junk science.. supported by the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA... they need to sit down and shut up!
Here's a new blog to keep an eye on...
*You're welcome Telluride. I see that one flipped your switch! *rofl*