To all chronic fatigue and eptein-barr sufferers, I have obtained a 10-week protocol (glass ampoulles) for this condition from a very close source in Germany. This remedy has taken me 15 years to relocate. It was first introduced to a family member of mine whom has been symptom-free ever since then. I was only able to obtain two remedy packs at this time which are selling for $165.00 each w/ free s&h. To gain an understanding of what the product is like I currently have a listing on ebay w/ photos for an herpes simplex 1&2 remedy pack. PLEASE, if you have any questions, comments, or want me to hold onto a remedy pack for you let me know, this remedy is truly something you will never see again; My source is the only source whom deals with and will send this remedy to the United States. take care----chiropractor31