Tracey, here is some information I received today in my email from Dr. Jonathan Wright on prostate health. Maybe this will be some help for your friend.
You've probably heard a lot about saw palmetto over the past
few years. It has a well-deserved reputation for reducing
and, in many cases, eliminating the symptoms of benign
prostatic hypertrophy (prostate enlargement or BPH). Saw
palmetto's benefits are anything but controversial. In fact,
the results of numerous trials on saw palmetto and BPH are so
indisputably good that, these days, you can find this
supplement in most supermarkets.
Even better, there don't appear to be any side effects from
using this herbal preparation.
That's why, until recently, I too would have put saw palmetto
at the top of the list for natural BPH treatment with
confidence. But Dr. Wright filled me in on some important
information that I'd never considered.
If you reach for this supplement first, you may be
overlooking some essential nutrients that your body needs to
Dr. Wright advises his patients who have BPH to supplement
with both zinc and flax oil (along with extra vitamin E,
which should always be used when essential fatty acids, like
flax oil, are supplemented) before or along with taking saw
palmetto. In some men, BPH may actually be a symptom of zinc
and essential fatty acid deficiency, so these supplements
actually get to the root of the problem, rather than just
treating the symptom, as saw palmetto does.
At one time, Dr. Wright did a little study of his own, and
kept track of 19 of his own patients (he picked 19 just to
stay in the same range as other studies) who were
supplementing with zinc and flax oil only. He observed that
18 of the 19 men in this group had significant reductions in
both symptoms and gland size.
But if all the different treatments work, what's the
difference whether you decide to try zinc and essential fatty-
acid treatment or saw palmetto first? It's simple: Both zinc
and essential fatty acids are essential nutrients, saw
palmetto isn't. And, it's more than likely that if one body
tissue is deficient in an essential nutrient, there are other
tissues, glands, and organs that are also deficient (even if
they're not apparent). So if the prostate is "hurting" for
lack of zinc and essential fatty acids, you need to make sure
to get these nutrients first. These supplements will help the
rest of your body, too, wherever they're needed. By contrast,
taking saw palmetto will help the prostate, but it won't help
the possibly-hidden need for essential nutrients elsewhere in
the body.
So, why not use all three? This may actually be the best
solution. It's what Dr. Wright often recommends to his
patients. Whatever you do, if you have an enlarged prostate
along with its symptoms, don't just reach for the saw
palmetto without picking up the zinc and essential fatty
acids too.