I stumbled onto this site while doing a symptom check.
The first dr. I took these symptoms too looked at me like I was nuts, and said "lose weight you'll be fine" . when I told her that I couldn't exercise because of the dizziness, I got a look of disgust, you know the classic "you're lazy" look.
I even got so desperate I bought a blood
Sugar monitor to see if my sugars were off. The dr. wouldn't do any kind of tests for sugars or the full thyroid panel (only TSH, nothing else). needless to say, I stopped going to her.
I have a new doctor as of the 14th of October, who doesn't think it's all in my head. We're starting with a full bloodwork panel. I mentioned that I was afraid it was the mirena, and while he said he hadn't heard of anything like that, he'd look into it.
I got the mirena in May 2005, and it did what it said - after about 3/4 months, I only spotted a little bit. I haven't had a true period in almost 4 years now.
I have heavy, painful periods so this has been wonderful.
The dr. told me the "progestin" stays in the uterus and not the bloodstream.
however, I think the health issues I've been having might be the Mirena.
my symptoms are these:
Night Sweats (I wake up SOAKED - when I sleep)
insomnia/can't stay asleep
muscle pain
"tingles" down my left leg (and now above my right eye)
can't remember a lot of things
pretty irritable
weight gain/can't lose weight
sugars are a little wonky (according to my meter)
I can hear my eyes move
Bouncing eyes (I can feel my pulse behind my eyes)
there are also some others that I didn't realize could be issues - what i thought were gas cramps but felt like a baby kicking, pain on the right/middle of my back, my achilles tendon is swollen and painful to the touch.
Am I out to lunch here?
Any help you can give would be great!