Many, many, many women have gone through rape investigations. Yes, it takes a certain amount of courage to do so but think of this --- do you want these men to hurt another woman? If they think they got away with raping you, then they will be emboldened to do the same thing to another woman. As you put it, they wouldn't stop at hurting anyone. Not be harsh --- but how would you feel if they attacked another woman and she ended up dead? Don't you think it's best for them to be in prison?
Since you know the rape crisis number for your country, then please give them a call! I'm sure, like in the US, they can help you press charges and give you counseling to help you through it.
You say you don't know their names but yet you said you met one of them through a dating service. do know the name of at least one of them, right?
Women who have pressed charges have said many times how much doing so helped them heal. the rape crisis hotline and tell them everything you wrote here on Cure Zone. By not getting help, you just continue to give these awful men even more power over you. You don't want that, do you? You want to heal and get on with your life and you don't want them doing this to another woman.
Please get going now and call the hotline. I wish you the best of luck as you heal.