Fortunately for Obama, he did not have to provide a birth certificate to win the prize.
The last sitting US President to win the Nobel Peace Prize was Woodrow Wilson, who ran as a populist and peace candidate who railed against the super rich and promised to keep us out of the war. He was re-elected to a second term as "the man who kept us out of the war".
In his second term, Wilson led us into WWI - yet another manufactured war financed and abetted by the super rich. He also attempted to help create The League of Nations, the first attempt to bring the world under the control of the NWO crowd. Even more infamously, he signed over the control of our money and our country to the same super rich he had railed against with the Federal Reserve Act and later made the famous statement:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
BTW, for the record, I was and am a Bush basher. They both serve the same masters.
Barack Obama did not so much get a win with the Nobel Peace Prize today as the U.S. Military and General Stanley McChrystal sustained a loss. The Prize itself will also be a loser along with all previous winners.
There is a further irony in offering a peace prize to a president whose principal preoccupation at the moment is when and how to expand the war in Afghanistan.
The spectacle of Mr Obama mounting the podium in Oslo to accept a prize that once went to Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi and Mother Theresa would be all the more absurd if it follows a White House decision to send up to 40,000 more US troops to Afghanistan.
Some have appeared to reward hope rather than achievement: the 1976 prize for the two peace campaigners in Northern Ireland, Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan, was clearly intended to send a signal to the two battling communities in Ulster. (emphasis added).
The committee said today that he had "captured the world's attention". It is certainly true that his energy and aspirations have dazzled many of his supporters. Sadly, it seems they have so bedazzled the Norwegians that they can no longer separate hopes from achievement. The achievements of all previous winners have been diminished.
How many Republican presidents or vice prsidents have won the Nobel Prize? Could it be that Republican don't understand the meaning of peace?
Peace starts at home. NoBama has divided the country like no other president, including Geo. Bush who admittedly divided the nation over the war in Iran, and related topics.
On the other hand NoBama has divided the nation with healthcare, stimulus pkg for economic recovery. caused the unemployment rate to sky rocket, fired executives illegally, Taken over industries illegally, Appointing Czars That want to turn our children into sex deviates, communists, Tax cheats. Aligns himself with organizations that would be complicent, and contributors to child prostitution, and tax evasion.
Refuses the people he works for (The American People) not only to see his birth certificate, but reportedly spend upwards of a million dollars in the courts to keep the people from finding out about his personal documents.
Yes, he won the Nobel prize, which shows you just what it's worth, about as much as the average cow pie in the field.
And don't forget, Afghanistan belongs to him. How many Americans have lost their lives in recent time? How many Afghan's have lost their lives in recent times?
And he gets a peace prize.