I was recently infected with roundworms from my cat, who was diagnosed about a week before me. This is extremely embarrassing as I am a very clean person and clean my cat's litter box and the area around her litter box daily! I realized that I had definitely been infected with toxocara roundworms after passing two yesterday; I have also had diarrhea and nausea all week. I am confused as to how I got them, but all I know is that I want to get rid of them!
I went to the doctor's yesterday and immediately started treatment with Vermox. While Vermox kills about 98% of the roundworm eggs, I am still worried about possible reinfection. I have also had my cat treated for the roundworms, however that is not to say that the eggs currently in her (which cannot be killed by any medicine) will not reinfect later - I have her on Revolution right now, but that is only a once-a-month medication. I also purchased a homeopathic medication, Homeopet, to try and prevent reinfection.
After some research for prevention for reinfection I found Humaworm, but I am still unsure if it will kill toxocara roundworms. Does anyone know if it does? I have read about how it kills ascariasis, but nothing about toxocora roundworms. Are there any other medications I can take to prevent reinfection? Thank you for the help!