Ok.. I'm desperate. I've posted numerous times about this chronic cough I have, and have been dealing with for months.. (since april) Okee-dokee I'll give it my best shot (I'm only recalling two posts before)
It is 100% caused by post nasal drip. so you've narrowed it down to: 100% caused by post nasal drip... because your last post said:
I've researched the net to try and figure out what is causing this.. I've been coughing since april... from my research, I've narrowed it down to three possible causes:
1. Allergies (mild, slow post nasal drip)
2. Cough varient Asthma (but, my cough isn't a dry cough.. it is a productive cough, expelling small amounts of mucus)
3. GERD... (I do have terrible acid reflux.. )
...so folks naturally gave you suggestions for lung/asthma issues.
and I have tried cleaning up my diet... drinking tons of water.. avoiding mucus causing foods... I've done oregano oil (3 times the daily dose).. I've tried Iodine... I've tried ginger..(not to mention all the IF#1 and IF#2, and liver and kidney flushes.. AND third dose of Humaworm.. ) I can't imagine any of these things addresses a long-standing sinus infection that's associated with this type of post-nasal dripping. The first course of action I always recommend is the most effective infection fighters (duo) of which I'm aware...and that's high doses of Echinacea and raw garlic (6+ cloves daily). Combine that with Herbal Snuff and nasal irrigation (Google "neti pot" - those are easiest to use effectively)...and I'd think that'd be your best shot.
and.. it is NO better... and I really can't take it any more.
The amount of post nasal drip is filling my lungs with crud.. and I need to cough several times every minute.. which makes it near impossible to do my job.. (on the phone with clients all day long)... I can only imagine how frustrating that must be :(
So... this is what I need..
1. something natural that is incredibly powerful at drying up post nasal drip.. You'll not find ANYTHING stronger than the Herbal Snuff, that's a guarantee. The dosage is 1/8 teaspoon, split, and each half snorted deeply up each nostril into the sinuses. It is IMPERATIVE that when you snort it, you begin with your sinus passages as open as possible, and snort it DEEPLY (like snorting it all the way to your toes...I think it's easiest if you use a straw - like folks do with cocaine). It'll burn/sting like crazy.
To open your sinuses as "open" as possible, get a horseradish root, peel part of it, chunk it into piece, and put it in a Vitamix or blender with apple cider vinegar and blend it to the consistency of applesauce. Then put it in a tightly closed jar IMMEDIATELY from the blender. Put about 1/4 teaspoon of that in your mouth and chew it until the "power has faded" (spit it out or swallow it), and then open the jar, close your eyes (the fumes will sting your eyes) and snort the fumes. Oh YEAH, your sinuses WILL open up!! (Dr. Christopher says when you chew a spoonful of it, that you'll have to take your scalp off the ceiling). Chewing/snorting raw onion/fumes (in a similar fashion) can also help, but it's not NEARLY as effective as horseradish.
2. suggestions on how to safely take commercial decongestants, to help my body deal with them.. sorry, no can help there.
I know this isn't ideal.. but, it's either that, or I'm going to have to quit my job. My employer has questioned me numerous times as to why I am coming to work sick... and my co-workers are afraid that I am giving them something.. even though I am very careful to cover my mouth... and I clean my desk area, and wash hands frequently... My employer is requesting a doctors note.. well.. my doctor says decongestants... what can I do?!? I recommend:
1...4oz bottle of Echinacea tincture, take a teaspoon 4x daily
6 + cloves of raw garlic daily
1 Herbal Snuff (do it 2x daily, more if necessary)
Sinus infections can be bacterial, but they can also be fungal...all three of these things are antibacterial AND antifungal. The snuff contains garlic & cayenne powder, as well as goldenseal & bayberry root bark....a very effective combination; goldenseal has a special affinity for mucous membranes. And the Echinacea bolsters your immune system, too.
If you decide to try it (and we get your order in an hour or two), Rocky should be able to get it out to you today. (Keep using the Lung formulas to keep things loose and make it easier to cough/expectorate).
Healthiest of blessings,