Well...since no one else has answered you, I will give it a try.
From reading similar stories like yours in advice columns, here's what the columnists generally advise---find something to take your mind off her. Find an activity you enjoy. Maybe you can take a vacation and visit a place you've always wanted to see---even if it isn't far from home. Take a class, take up a hobby, etc. --- something constructive to do that will occupy your thoughts. If you do this, in time she will be a distant memory. I know that when I have something or someone on my mind, this advice has helped me.
For example, I have a friend who is rarely in touch and I often think about her and wonder what is going on with her. It's perplexing since we used to get together frequently. However, I don't think about her when I'm doing an activity I enjoy.
Good luck and get going!