Thank you, Momo, and, of course, no need for sorry.
Still, for what it is worth in posting here, yes, I am doing all three, but only today (Day #4 on Humaworm) did I receive the Humacleanse in the mail. I have, until now continued with 3 pills of Schulze's IF #1, just to make sure my intestines would be moving and ready for the HUMAWORM. I will discontinue Schulze's product and begin the Humacleanse tomorrow.
While Schulze's IF #1 did help to get and keep me regular, it was not until I began Humaworm four days ago that all the plaques began coming out. I was going to take and post some pics but thought them maybe too gross to post. Maybe I still will post some.
I have had two more movements already today...and more plaques. I am so happy to be getting my intestines cleaned of all of these. I have felt so "full" in the gut for the last few years...and I am suprised I waited this long to do something. Reflectively, I can recall dreams (I am an intuitive dreamer, I get a lot of guidance via my dreams) that were indicating the need for me to take care of my body's "plumbing."
Not sure if you looked at the pic of the dark, dirty film piece that I posted in another thread. I have assumed that the film covers the plaques, but am not now sure if this is so. It does appear to be on only one side of the plaques that are falling loose. Would the thin filmy coats be nearest the intestinal wall? Or, do the plaques stick to the intestinal wall, with the films covering the outside of the plaques? Do you, or anyone, know?
The foodstuffs I was not digesting are as was earlier posted, onions, skins of some veggies and fruits...and carrots...the carrots were not digesting all the way.
I have also taken to drinking atleast 24 oz (in addition to my regular 2 to 3 quarts of water) of warm water with a good tablespoon of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with a touch of honey in it, like a tea, sort of, as it is said to help with the sinuses. Not sure if this may alos be helping the gut.
I think I got me a dead (or dying) worm? I will post the pic soon. Then, I am off for a nap, as I came to feel sleepily exhausted this afternoon at work.
And, gosh, now I feel another BM coming on, so better go for that before I post the picture.