For if you are banned then - ignoring what is said and done in that forium as well - would be healthy start as well as -
Caution any of the various handles which jump out that forium and try to draw new curezoners into the ML forium - to also notify the new curezoner of the "dangers" which await them there in.. Also banning the handles which jump out of the ML forium and draw in the unsuspecting may also be beneficial.
If this is how one feels - it is an effective solution...
As for me - I am not offended by ML. I know to a lessor degree I am the same... And I know he does offer good as well - in my opinion...
I seek to find unity - though this is a never ending task. And actually the suggestions may be a path to unity...
I feel that if you have something to offer - they will find you. You do not need to be a spider spinning your web within curezone so to speak...
My Opinion