I've been away from computering and only see this now.
Bless your gentle and beautiful heart!
That's an excellent idea...to do a lung cleanse.
I've also got something stuck in the bile duct area...and a few other things.
I have no naturopath guiding me, and seem to attract flak from everyone who wants to pass judgement.
I have always appeared to be influenced by the opinions and preferences of others, but now I find that I am a stubborn creature.
There is absolutely no way I want to obligate anyone to think they are are responsible for my life, or lack of it.
I feel I have the same opportunity to see the ways to well-being that anyone has.
I'll get it right yet, I am sure. Or I won't. And, in the end, I am sure it really isn't nearly as important as I sometimes feel.
Don't be afraid of the unfairnesses and worries of this world, my friends...the better, happier way is far more powerful than all the worrisome things that seem to be coming.
The answers are simple, far simpler than we have ever dreamed.
Take pocketfuls of saved food seeds and scatter them where green weeds and grasses show there is some water in the soil...and the soil microorganisms to carry the nutrients to plant roots.
Get machines off the land.
Feed your neighbors.