Hi Ya'll,
Why would someone read every post I post, if they do not agree with what I have to say?
Why would they read my posts if they become upset with my posts?
Why would they read my posts, if all they did as a result of reading my posts, was felt bad and Complained all the time?
What kind of Sickness and Disease of the Mind would a person like this have?
Ya mean a new kind of Sickness and Disease of the Mind is going around to some folks on curezone?
Maybe it has been around all the time in these Infected folks?
What could be done to help these Poor Suffering folks?
Maybe they Failed Grade school and do not know the meaning of Private Support forum?
What could their problem be?
Surely we could figure out how to help these Sick and Diseased folks?
It has been proven we cannot lead horses to water and force them to drink!
What about these Suffering folks?
Nay, We cannot Force them to drink of Truth either!
My grandchildren have given me an idea that may work?
Let us post with Invisible words and everyone with enough Common Sense who is Supportive of the Freely shared Truths in Healing on this forum shall get the codes needed to read the Invisible words!
This way we can Save these Poor folks who do not have the will-power to control themself from their own Destruction of becomming addicted to reading these Freely shared Truths in Healing!
For this must be the problem, that they are not finding the Truth in Healing anywhere else?
We wouldn't want to Corrupt their minds with the Truth, now would we?
We must figure our some way to Prevent them from reading this forum!
Any other options?
Maybe they could Grow Up and learn some Personal Responsibility?
Nay, Then they couldn't get by with throwing their Terrible Twos Tantrums all the time.
What a problem we have on our hands?
Maybe if we would continue to let them read these Truths in Healing that, just maybe some of this Truth would soak into their Minds and then there would be some Hope for them?
At least many of them have been banned from this forum because of breaking the TOS, so we aren't cluttered with their Nonsense in this forum!
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.