Possibly there is another path which leads to love - ever increasing levels. The missing part to the "bible" puzzle may NOT be that we understand that we should love BUT that we are not taught HOW TO LOVE the unlovely
Possibly this path is not in conflict with the bible but not contained within its pages.
For God has Promised those who Seek him diligently and are willing to change shall be shown the Truths about Love etc!
Through history only a VERY small fraction of man has seen/heard of the ancient scrolls or of the bible.
How did and is God reaching these souls? Yes this is a leading question presuming that he (GOD) is doing this....
We would suggest trying new things if the old are not serving the desired effect.
It is clear that we all "see" through different filters so to speak. Differing points of view are beneficial to "seeing the big pictures" in life.
Maybe we were made in this fashion so that we would need each other? Maybe the larger picture (in this life) has nothing to do with what happens after we die (heaven or hell) but is a spiritual school so to speak.
It is possible that I died fighting for what I believed was right. A great man of honor and strength. But I am back for I still did not learn the lessons of love... Yes this resonates greatly in my spirit
Be at peace - for I am you and you are I for we are one in the spirit who created all things - yes this is a great truth
The mind nods with agreement BUT the heart screams LIE!
That of the mind is of the mind
That of the heart is of the heart
We shall trouble you no further in this area of thought.
Be well and we thank you for your service