Absolutely InCharge,
the plant-based diet is essential for the recovery from disease, and which I have posted on previously...............
but I do not think a raw food diet as in the case illustrated on NaturalNews needs to be continued indefinitely and exclusively as a plant-based one, and can include small amounts of saturated fats.
The ideal diet (in my own view) should be predominantly vegetables/fruits/seeds/nuts and legumes/pulses with the addition of some grass fed beef and oily fish, but it is more to do with quantity than anything else.
Luigi Cornaro who lived to be an active and healthy 102 years did include some meat within his daily diet.
The secret lies in a Calorie-Restricted but Nutrient-Dense diet.........................
"Luigi ate a little meat; he ate an egg yolk; he had panado, which was a vegetable soup with a little tomato; he had grape juice; and he had bread. He used to dip the bread in the soup. That was his diet. That's all he ate. He didn't want to eat fish because it didn't agree with him, and he didn't eat chicken. He ate a little meat. On that diet, which we natural nutritionists would call low quality, he lived to 102.
I've always wondered what would have happened had he lived on our quality of food. He might have gone on to 150".
Dr Stanley Bass....Orthopathic Physician.