Most mainstream dentists believe
Amalgam fillings are okay- because this is what they were taught in medical school and our federal government health departments.
They mean well but prefer to believe the American Medical Association over warnings from the alternative health groups.
The common belief is that though silver
Amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury, the mercury is hardened, so poses no problem. They don't research further as dentist Hal Huggins had in his research (see his book, "It's All in Your Head") to find that though
Amalgam fillings are hardened and not liquid mercury-- methyl mercury still outgasses from the amalgam for decades. Hal Huggins has a photo of a cadaver's metal fillings vaporizing mercury. A black light was used to see this.
Mercury in the fillings do not out gas themselves over time because the mercury in the silver amalgam is not only on the top layers. There is mercury through all the layers of the metal fillings. Chewing food and drinking hot liquids or anything citric will encourage more methyl mercury to vaporize into the sinuses and throat, etc.
So your dentist means well, but he needs to do a more well-rounded unbiased research on this. Most in the medical field are satisfied at what the FDA and AMA and ADA mandate as safe, so they won't bother looking beyond that.
For decades I had 8 metal fillings in my mouth. They werent really deep fillings either, but after I had them replaced with porcelain/composite fillings and chelated old mercury afterwards, Alot of neurological symptoms I took for granted disspeared. My stuttering gradually stopped and facial tics dissapeared as well. The quickest symptom to improve was my loose bottom teeth. For years they were always loose even though I always floss. a few weeks After the last filling replacement, my bottom teeth no longer moved and my gum health really improved.
A few months later my short term memory improved drastically also.
I didnt have the money to have my metal fillings replaced by a holistic dentist either. I had a regular mainstream dentist do it gradually-- 2 fillings replaced each month.
During my filling removal I took 1,000 mg of vitamin C before and after each removal visit. Once I took the vitamin C too soon before the dental visit and it nullified the novacaine, so I learned to not take it so close to the dental apt, but take more right afterwards.
I also rinsed my mouth out with an EDTA dental Chelat mouthwash designed to absorb mercury ions left in the mouth after drilling. I also asked the dentist to use a rubber dam -- he laughed at me, but I just told him "humor me, please"